Empowering Real Estate
Agents in Real Life and
in the Web3 World

DeReal is an IRL (in real life) and Web3 community
and platform. Within the technology ecosystem, real
estate agents are able to utilize resources and technologies
to drive their business.


Learn Everything
about the Metaverse!

The Masterclass about the Metaverse Technology and
Investing - You Don't Want To Miss This! It includes
on-demand course on Web2 & Metaverse, IRL Education,
Metaverse Education, and a scheme in which you can
learn to earn DeRe Token.


The Ultimate Pass to
Metaverse Events

Exclusive events for Education, Sponsors, Guest Speakers
and Authority in Real Sstate, Tech, Crypto. This is basically
a calendar app and a list of events people can sign up for,
kind of like Eventbrite.


Get a Free DeReal Wallet

Benefits of having a wallet -
It acts as the members gateway to multiple feature sets.
Allows member to exchange & transact on services using crypto.
Creates a avatar profile to traverse between metaverse spaces.


NFT Club Membership
Programme Offer

Benefits of being a NFT Club Member -
Whitelist opportunities in both IRL and Metaverse.
Learn to Earn (tokens) – Get Educated on Latest Real Estate Trends.
Access to applications that could help them with their business.
Agents can list their Properties.

Web3 market value is projected to be $10 trillion in the next 5 years

Web3 market value is projected to be $10 trillion in the next 5 years. The problem? Most real estate agents do not understand the opportunity – they are already being left behind. The global metaverse market is expected to rise to $678.80 billion US dollars by 2030. Metaverse real estate sales top $500 million, and are projected to double this year.

DeReal Solutions

In Real Life

NFT Title
Escrow Transaction
Blockchain Development
DeReal Branded Offices
DeReal Certifications
DeReal Trainings


Real Estate Agents
Real Estate Brokers
Real Estate Investors
Real Estate Enthusiasts
Home Sellers And Buyers
Metaverse Investors
Creators And Builders
Marketing Partners
Ecosystem Partners


Land Purchases
Commercial Leading

We Bring IRL (In Real Life) and Metaverse Real Estate Together




$232 Trillion Size of Global Real Estate Market The largest asset class in the world

Why join us?

Started by real estate and web3 leaders with decades of enterprise tech and real estate experience, participation in hundreds of millions of dollars raised for ventures, over half a billion in real estate transactions completed, multiple technology patents awarded, and multiple successful technology exits. DeReal is an open-access community with a mission to help all real estate agents to get educated, connected, and empowered in IRL and web3.

DeReal Club

DeReal Club – Coming Soon! 

Are you a real estate agent and/or enthusiast? This club is like nothing available in the market with both in-person and metaverse experiences.

Join Our Waitlist Now!